Thursday, January 15, 2009


Just wanted to let everyone know how things are going. Tasha and Ella Gray have been doing pretty good lately. Tasha is still having some pains and has a hard time getting comfortable, but she is a trooper. Tasha amazes me everyday and I am very thankful to get to experience this miracle with her. Ella Gray's PaPa (Ron) has worked very hard at the house painting, putting up curtain rods, new doors and many other things. I can't even begin to explain how much Tasha and I appreciate it. Words can't express how much of a blessing it has been becoming a part of the Johnson Family. Ron and Renee are two of the most caring and giving people I have meet in my life. I hope I can in some way repay them for all the have already done in just a short period of time. Now that the house is pretty much ready it is all a matter of when Ella Gray wants to get here to complete it. Dr. Browning told Tasha that the baby is sitting low, but is in position for a perfect delivery. Tasha and I started Child Birthing classes 1-13-09. The first class went well and we think we are going to learn many things that will help us become the parents we desire to be. We will keep you update with news as we have it.

Monday, December 22, 2008

NEW!...Ella Gray Glamour Shot!

They say she has "PEACH FUZZ!"


Wow! I feel like so much has gone on since the last blog update. Time has been flying by lately and with Christmas and Ella Gray on the way things have been CRAZY! Just some quick updates on things.....Michael and I spent Thanksgiving at the beach with Granny & Chops, it was wonderful. We ate Thanksgiving at the Carriage House in Litchfield and omg the food was sooooo good. It was so nice just to get away and spend time with the family. Since Thanksgiving We have just been preparing for Christmas. This past week has been kind of tough I caught some kind of bug and ended up staying a night in the hospital, but after a week of rest we are back to normal. Ella Gray is still dancing around at night and Michael is still hunting every chance he gets. I have posted some pics from Thanksgiving also some parade pics and Ella Gray's new snapshot!.......WISHING EVERYONE A MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat

Halloween was full of the cutest lil monsters I have ever seen! Michael and I had such a great time Friday night seeing all the kids dressed up in there costumes...TOO CUTE! We can hardly wait until next year to dress up Ella Gray in her lil costume, even though she will probably only be trick or treating at Granny and Nana's house. We also celebrated my dads birthday Friday night, after all the trick or treating was over we headed to a turkey shoot. Micahel and Chris being the "GREAT" hunters that they are won every round. Halloween was so much fun this year, and to top it off Michael shot his second 8 point Sunday morning!!!!! He is on a roll this year. I have posted some pics of Michael's 1st and 2nd deer, lil Halloween monsters and dads birthday.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ella Gray Camak

Well it is now official we are having a little GIRL!!!! After several weeks of confusion our ultrasound guru Audrey told us yesterday that it was "definitiely 100% all girl". The excitment for Tasha and I was just the same as it was the first report we got. We have decided to name the baby Ella Gray Camak. She will be called Ella Gray. Tasha and I love using both names. It has been a rollercoaster these last few weeks wondering if it was a boy or a girl, but both Tasha and myself only wish for a healthy baby. We also got back test results yesterday that check for abnormalities such as down syndrome. They came back NEGATIVE!! That was the best part of the visit. Mommy has been a little stressed out about these results and we were glad everything came back good. We will update more after the next visit.

Talk to you soon,

Ella Gray's Daddy

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baby Jayce!

Jayce Tallon Johnson - 6lbs 1oz - 18 3/4" Born 10/20/08 Baby cousin Jayce has finally entered the world healthy and with a head full of black hair.....Precious Precious Precious!!!! and has the same BIRTHDAY as MICHAEL!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Michael and I always sit around after work and talk about how our day was, whats going to be for dinner, if he is going hunting or not, etc.... Today we were talking about baby items. I was explaining to Michael how I thought the glider rocking chair was one of the most important items seeing that we would probably be spending most of our life in it. That's when it happened, I looked up and there he was on one knee and he said, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you will you marry me?" In shock and tears in my eyes I said YES!!!!!! as he placed the most beautiful ring I had ever seen on my finger. Then he begin to describe how the top of the ring was his grandmothers and the rest he picked out. That topped the moment off it was perfect!!! Words can't begin to describe the happiness I felt at that moment. I have found someone with whom I can share my deepest secrets, my laughs, my tears and everything in between. Michael and I share a love that is unexplainable and I thank God every day for bringing us together. Michael makes me the happiest woman on this earth. I am truly blessed to have him in my life. Did I mention HOW HAPPY AND EXCITED I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!